Vecchio Carrier Feldman & Johannessen Pa

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Legal Services, Attorneys

Latitude:28.003808 Longitude:-81.948332
3308 Cleveland Heights Blvd
Lakeland, FL 33803 is a domain name that is currently for sale. It is listed on, a secure platform that offers a Buyer Protection Program. With a fast and easy transfer process, 98% of domain ownership transfers are completed within 24 hours. Payments can be made through popular options, including a 1% discount for bank wire payments or using Adyen, a trusted payment platform. The domain purchase includes a VAT, or Value Added Tax, which is a consumption tax applied in the European Union. The VAT is charged to all consumers in the EU, but not to consumers and businesses outside of the EU. Alternatively, buyers have the option to lease to own the domain with monthly payments of $109. After 60 months, full ownership is granted. The service fee covers transfer and renewal expenses, hosting DNS, support, and monthly payment processing. The domain name,, is listed by a Domain Seller and is part of the Buyer Protection Program.