La Academy Of Art & Entertainment

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Schools Academies Colleges & Universities, Schools Universities & Colleges Academic, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.062164 Longitude:-118.282304
600 S La Fayette Park Pl
Los Angeles, CA 90057
La Academy of Art & Entertainment (LAAAE) is a prestigious school located in Los Angeles, dedicated to providing high-quality education in arts and enterprise. With a mission to cultivate creativity and prepare students for success, LAAAE offers a comprehensive curriculum that meets state academic standards and fulfills University of California A-G admission requirements. LAAAE provides a nurturing and supportive environment for students, with a dedicated student services team that includes mental health support and a peer mentoring program. The school also addresses important social issues, such as LGBTQIA+ support and human trafficking awareness. For parents, LAAAE offers resources like enrollment information, immigration resources, and nutrition programs. The school values parent involvement and has committees, such as the English Language Advisory Committee and School Site Council. LAAAE is committed to providing a well-rounded education, offering both middle school and high school programs, as well as college and career guidance. The school also offers special education programs and support through Individualized Education Plans (IEP) and 504 plans. To support the school and its programs, donations to the Wolf Pack are welcome. Interested individuals can also stay up to date with the latest news from LAAAE, access important links, and register for the upcoming school year.