Benjamin Franklin Branch Library

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Libraries, Libraries Public

Latitude:34.044144 Longitude:-118.212243
2200 E 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Benjamin Franklin Branch Library, located in Los Angeles, is part of the Los Angeles Public Library system. This library provides a wide range of services and programs for the community. They offer books, e-books, audiobooks, and even comic books that can be accessed on various devices. In addition, they have a collection of movies, TV shows, and documentaries that can be streamed online. The library also offers music streaming and access to podcasts. For those looking for research resources, they have databases, historic archives, and online learning platforms. The library is committed to supporting student success, providing resources for job hunting and small business help, and offers various programs for kids, teens, and seniors. The Benjamin Franklin Branch Library strives to connect with the community and provides opportunities for individuals to get involved, either through volunteering or making donations.