Alliance Property Group

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Real Estate - Brokers & Agents, Property Management & Maintenance

Latitude:34.045809 Longitude:-118.260584
645 W 9th St Apt 215
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Alliance Property Group (APG) is an investment and development company specializing in affordable, workforce, and market-rate multi-family housing. They offer a range of services including Low Income Housing Tax Credits, re-syndication/year 15 acquisition, conventional debt and equity, acquisition-rehabilitation/value add, tax-exempt bonds, new construction, FHA/HUD Section 8, naturally occurring affordable housing, USDA 538/515, and public-private partnerships. With a portfolio of $300M in assets owned and/or managed, APG brings expertise and experience to their projects. They prioritize creating value for their partners and residents, striving to make the places people live better for them. Led by President Danielle Curls Bennett, APG is a multi-generational family-owned business. Based in El Segundo, California, they can be reached at (424) 369-4568 or