Cougar Biotechnology

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Biotechnology Products & Services, Biotechnology

Latitude:34.057472 Longitude:-118.447193
10990 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Cougar Biotechnology is a local business that specializes in biotechnology and offers a wide range of services related to this field. They are experts in the development and application of biotechnology for various purposes, including healthcare and agriculture. With a focus on the potential of biotechnology to revolutionize the medical industry, Cougar Biotechnology explores the possibilities of using biotechnology to treat incurable diseases. They also provide consultation services and conduct research in the field of biotechnology. Additionally, Cougar Biotechnology offers services such as genetic engineering, bioenergy, and biocomposting. Their team of professionals is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of biotechnology and harnessing its potential to improve and transform various industries. Visit their website to learn more about their services and the latest advancements in biotechnology.