Oaks School

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Schools Academic Secondary & Elementary, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.104261 Longitude:-118.339162
6817 Franklin Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90028
The Oaks School is an independent K-6 school located in Los Angeles. They pride themselves on providing an inclusive and personalized educational environment for all students and families. The school follows a progressive education approach, with teachers focusing on collaboration and a child-centered approach to encourage critical thinking and cognitive skills development. The Oaks School offers an intimate learning environment specifically tailored for elementary-aged students, with resources and physical learning spaces designed to support their growth and development. One unique aspect of their curriculum is their commitment to anti-bias education, where students learn to respect and understand diversity in a joyful and affirming way. The school also offers extended care and summer programs. The Oaks School is located at 6817 Franklin Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90028, and can be contacted at 323.850.3755.