Para Los Ninos

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Schools, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.054276 Longitude:-118.255049
350 S Figueroa St Ste 100
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Para Los Niños is a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles that provides education and support to children, families, and communities. Their mission is to help children and youth thrive by offering a range of services including early education, transitional kindergarten through 8th grade programs, youth support and education, wraparound support, and community transformation initiatives. With a focus on serving the whole child and whole family, Para Los Niños combines education, mental health, public health, and leadership development to ensure the success of children and families. They have a strong impact, with thousands of children, youth, and caregivers benefitting from their programs and services. Through their schools and wraparound supports, they offer real results for children and youth, supporting their academic success and mental health. Para Los Niños actively engages with the communities they serve, building trust and creating spaces that connect families to education and resources. With locations across Los Angeles, Para Los Niños is committed to empowering families and communities to thrive.