Patten Programs

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Schools Academies Colleges & Universities, Schools Universities & Colleges Academic, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.049961 Longitude:-118.284528
1157 S Hoover St
Los Angeles, CA 90006
Patten University is an accredited online institution that offers flexible and affordable degree and certificate programs to help students advance their careers. With a rich history of academic excellence, Patten University is committed to providing high-quality education at an affordable cost. Their online programs allow students to pursue their studies at their own pace, making it ideal for busy professionals. Unlike many other colleges and universities, Patten University's tuition is lower and does not rely on student loans or debt. The university is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), which ensures that it meets the highest standards in distance learning. Located in Oakland, California, Patten University is dedicated to global transformation through leadership, inspiration, and community. Apply now and start your journey towards academic success at Patten University.