Pilgrim School

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Schools Academic Secondary & Elementary, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:34.064122 Longitude:-118.285505
540 S Commonwealth Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Pilgrim School is a renowned educational institution located in Los Angeles, California. With a focus on personalized attention and mastery-based learning, Pilgrim School aims to provide a joyful and enriching educational experience for students. The school offers programs for early education, elementary, middle, and high school students, with a strong emphasis on arts education and engineering. The curriculum promotes critical thinking skills and global awareness, preparing students for a diverse and interconnected world. Pilgrim School also values community involvement and offers various programs and resources, including the Pilgrim Parent Association and the Student Assistance Program. The school is known for its supportive and nurturing environment, where students feel safe, loved, and valued. If you're searching for an exceptional educational institution that prioritizes individual student growth and fosters a sense of community, Pilgrim School may be the perfect fit for your child. Visit their website to learn more and apply.