Prevention Institute

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Public & Social Services, Social Service Organizations

Latitude:34.015899 Longitude:-118.338382
3846 Wellington Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90008
The Prevention Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting health equity and racial justice. Their mission is to ensure that every person has an equal opportunity to be healthy and safe. They work with communities, organizations, government, and philanthropy to design comprehensive primary prevention strategies in various focus areas, including adverse community experiences and resilience, mental health and wellbeing, safety, prevention in California, park equity, health systems transformation, healthy food and active environments, and land use and housing. The Prevention Institute offers a range of tools and services to help strengthen community environments and create safe and healthy spaces for all. They also provide training and presentations, and advocate for policies that promote health equity and justice. With offices in Oakland, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and Houston, the Prevention Institute works nationally to advance prevention and improve public health outcomes. Stay connected with updates and resources from their website.