Professional Services

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Legal Services, Legal Document Preparation Service, Legal Document Assistants

Latitude:34.05441 Longitude:-118.262111
1111 W 6th St Ste 308
Los Angeles, CA 90017
TaxAct is an online tax filing platform that offers a range of services to help individuals and businesses prepare and file their taxes. With step-by-step guidance and access to live tax experts, TaxAct makes the filing process simple and efficient. The platform guarantees the maximum tax refund and ensures the accuracy of calculations with a $100k Accuracy Guarantee. TaxAct prioritizes data privacy and security, implementing advanced encryption technology to protect personal and financial information. The platform has received positive reviews from millions of customers, who praise its ease of use, affordability, and comprehensive features. TaxAct offers different pricing options to cater to various tax situations, including free federal filing for basic returns. Additional services include tax planning tools, import of tax data, deduction maximizer, and audit defense. Whether you are a homeowner, investor, freelancer, or small business owner, TaxAct has a solution tailored to your needs. Start for free and file your taxes confidently with TaxAct.