Verve Talent

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Talent Agencies, Theatrical Managers & Producers

Latitude:34.060524 Longitude:-118.367706
6310 San Vicente Blvd Ste 200
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Verve Talent is a creative representation agency located in Los Angeles and New York. With a focus on literary and artistic work, Verve showcases talent in various fields and expressions of ideas. They are known for their enthusiasm and energy in promoting their clients' careers. Offering a range of services, Verve connects talented individuals with opportunities in the industry. Whether it's in the world of literature, art, or other creative endeavors, Verve is dedicated to showcasing aptitude and talent. They have a team of professionals who are passionate about supporting their clients' aspirations and helping them succeed. If you're looking for representation in the entertainment industry or seeking talented individuals to collaborate with, Verve is the go-to agency. Contact them today to discover the talent and aptitude they have to offer.