The Velvet Room

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Bars, Taverns & Cocktail Lounges, Night Clubs

Latitude:34.06161 Longitude:-118.299772
3470 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1
Los Angeles, CA is a domain name that is currently for sale. When purchasing a domain name through, buyers are automatically covered by their Buyer Protection Program to ensure a secure transaction. Domain ownership transfers are typically completed within 24 hours, with tailored transfer instructions provided to the buyer. Payments can be made through various popular options, including bank wire which offers a 1% discount. Value Added Tax (VAT) is applied to goods and services within the European Union (EU), but consumers and businesses outside of the EU are not charged VAT. The listed price for is USD $1,600. The domain is being sold by The seller emphasizes the value of a domain that can generate significant business opportunities and asks buyers to consider the potential long-term benefits. There is also information provided about privacy policy, managing cookies, and terms of use.