Victory Outreach Eagle Rock

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Religious Services & Organizations, Churches Nondenominational

Latitude:34.121267 Longitude:-118.225171
4160 Eagle Rock Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Victory Outreach Church of Eagle Rock is a Christian ministry located in Los Angeles, California. They are dedicated to evangelizing and providing support to those in need, offering a message of hope and a plan centered around Jesus Christ. With a focus on serving and discipling individuals who are hurting, Victory Outreach Eagle Rock is a place where people can find a sense of belonging and call it home. This ministry offers various events and services to the community, such as worship services on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. They also provide resources and support through their website, including location information, helpful tips, and frequently asked questions. To get in touch with Victory Outreach Eagle Rock, you can contact them via phone at 323-258-7878 or email at Their office hours are from Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 3pm.