Church Daybreak

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Religious Services & Organizations, Churches Presbyterian, Churches Presbyterian Bible, Churches

Latitude:34.06373 Longitude:-118.295665
3407 W 6th St Ste 601
Los Angeles, CA 90020
Church Daybreak is a local church in the 21st century that aims to bridge the gap between society and religion. They strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. The church is committed to serving the community and addressing relevant social issues. Recently, they have been in the news for a lawsuit filed by the Native American Church against the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for mishandling and disrespecting religious items that are significant to their rituals and ceremonies. The lawsuit was settled amicably, and both parties have agreed to work together to provide training to TSA personnel on different religions and their practices. Additionally, the church has been involved in a wrongful termination lawsuit wherein a former high school football coach alleged that he was unfairly fired after reporting instances of sexual hazing within the team. The church settled the lawsuit, and the coach has found a new job. Church Daybreak believes in the separation of church and state and is committed to upholding this principle in their practices and teachings. They welcome individuals of all denominations and are dedicated to educating others about Christianity and its various denominations.