


Security Systems & Services, Earthquake Products & Services

Latitude:34.082941 Longitude:-118.345923
636 N Formosa Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Cal-Quake Construction is a leading earthquake retrofitting company in Los Angeles, specializing in soft story retrofitting, house bolting, hill stabilization, and balcony inspections and certifications. As a trusted expert in the industry since 1985, Cal-Quake has completed over 11,000 seismic retrofitting jobs and 450 soft story projects, earning a reputation for delivering high-quality work. They are a one-stop shop for all residential and commercial retrofitting needs, ensuring that properties are compliant with the law and prepared for earthquake safety. Cal-Quake is affiliated with the Structural Engineers Association and offers turn-key services for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) or in-law units. With a team of experienced professionals and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Cal-Quake Construction is the go-to choice for earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles. Contact them today for inspections, certifications, and expert advice.