Marina Del Rey Middle School

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Schools Academic Secondary & Elementary, Schools - Public & Academic

Latitude:33.987625 Longitude:-118.420782
12500 Braddock Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Marina Del Rey Middle School is a local educational institution located in the heart of Marina Del Rey. As a reputable middle school, they provide a comprehensive and well-rounded education for students in 6th to 8th grade. With a focus on academic excellence, character development, and extracurricular activities, Marina Del Rey Middle School aims to foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students. At Marina Del Rey Middle School, students have access to a wide range of academic subjects including math, science, English, history, and more. They also offer a variety of enrichment programs such as music, art, physical education, and technology, allowing students to explore their interests and develop their talents. The dedicated and experienced faculty at Marina Del Rey Middle School are committed to providing a high-quality education that prepares students for success in high school and beyond. They prioritize individualized instruction, fostering critical thinking skills, and promoting a lifelong love for learning. With its convenient location and commitment to excellence, Marina Del Rey Middle School is an ideal choice for families seeking a top-notch education for their middle schoolers. Contact them today to learn more about enrollment and the incredible opportunities they offer for their students.