Star Christian School

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Schools - Parochial & Private, Schools Religious Education

Latitude:34.032799 Longitude:-118.27593
2120 Estrella Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Star Christian School & Child Care Center is a reputable elementary school and day care located in Los Angeles, CA. They provide education and child development programs for children from infancy to elementary school age. With a strong emphasis on faith, they offer a nurturing and supportive environment for children to learn and grow. Their curriculum is designed to develop fundamental skills and knowledge in children, setting them up for future success. The school's pillars include learning, success, friendship, and service, ensuring a well-rounded education. In addition to academic achievements, they focus on social skills, emotional intelligence, and personal development. The school encourages children to build friendships, communicate, cooperate, and engage in acts of kindness and service to others. Star Christian School & Child Care Center is dedicated to helping children reach their full potential and provides a safe and stimulating learning environment.