The Jeffrey Foundation

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Medical Equipment & Supplies, Disabled Persons Equipment & Services, Disabled Persons Equipment & Supplies

Latitude:34.037548 Longitude:-118.362602
5464 W Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90016
The Jeffrey Foundation is a childcare and counseling center for special children and families. They offer a wide range of services and programs to assist children with special needs, including those with developmental disabilities, autism, multiple handicaps, and more. Their dedicated team works to make life more productive and happier for these children and their families. The foundation offers both in-person programs and activities as well as online learning and entertainment that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. With a focus on high-quality programming and support services, The Jeffrey Foundation aims to assist families in meeting the challenges posed by their child's special needs. They have a Circle of Love program and have received numerous awards for their outstanding work. To learn more about The Jeffrey Foundation and how they can help your family, visit their website or reach out to them by phone.